Saturday, August 16, 2014

Last Reflections

Here are my last country reflections! Unfortunately there were no
croissants found in these last ports.

Helsinki, Finland:
Finland reminded me a lot of Sweden. It was clean and felt safe. It was
again extremely hot for us. I had a really good time in this port. It
was a fun city to walk around. We visited markets that were fun to go to
and more fun to talk to the locals. Most of the people were really
friendly and the country just had a really welcoming feeling. Finland
seemed like an extremely livable city. It was lively and easy to get
around. It was another one of my favorite ports, but I did like Sweden
better. I would definitely go back here.

Gdansk, Poland:
This is the city in which we were docked in. I did not explore Gdansk at
all, but I still got to see it. The port is not that pretty, but I heard
that the old town area was really nice.

Krakow, Poland:
Krakow is where I spent my 4 days in Poland. It was a long drive from
Gdansk to Krakow. The city was not that nice, but the old town and
market square were beautiful and really fun to walk around. All of the
food that I had here was really good. I had tours of concentration camps
here, so the days were depressing. Other than that, I really enjoyed the
rest of Krakow.

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